Hello there.

I’m Bartek and this is my digital garden - my very own place on the World Wide Web. You’ll find here my thoughts on different topics, random notes, and (sometimes) even a coherent, longer article.

I’m a computer science student. I’ve also been working as a software developer for the past 3 years, but currently I’m on a break from work – I decided to study abroad for a semester. In my free time I maintain and contribute to open-source software.

I like simplicity, consistency, and minimalism, and strive to exercise these in my work and life.

This site contains no ads, no trackers, no cookies, and no bullshit.

2024-03-19 – Writing a custom Dart VM service extension (part 1)
2024-02-08 – On using smartphone for things that make sense
2023-11-30 – Semantics in Flutter - under the hood
2023-11-25 – Flutter Engine notes
2023-09-17 – Creating and managing Android Virtual Devices using the terminal
2023-05-27 – Suckless Android SDK setup
2023-05-26 – Let’s start over
2023-05-21 – Short thought on “The Zen of Unix”
2023-05-15 – Notes about “flutter assemble”